Revisiting my DIY RGB laser post from a while ago...
I found out that a laser based projector that uses 80mW laser diodes, that it puts out 20 lumens. That is NOTHING! The backlight on my cell phone probably kicks out more than 20 lumens. But going with that math, a 2500 lumen projector would need a 10W laser. Woah. That's a shitload of power. Still the newest laser diodes are in the 3W range. Not too far off.
I want my laser projector! ;)
I found out that a laser based projector that uses 80mW laser diodes, that it puts out 20 lumens. That is NOTHING! The backlight on my cell phone probably kicks out more than 20 lumens. But going with that math, a 2500 lumen projector would need a 10W laser. Woah. That's a shitload of power. Still the newest laser diodes are in the 3W range. Not too far off.
I want my laser projector! ;)
Hey! Is this thing on?
Hey! Is this thing on!
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