Friday, July 23, 2010


Revisiting my DIY RGB laser post from a while ago...

I found out that a laser based projector that uses 80mW laser diodes, that it puts out 20 lumens. That is NOTHING! The backlight on my cell phone probably kicks out more than 20 lumens. But going with that math, a 2500 lumen projector would need a 10W laser. Woah. That's a shitload of power. Still the newest laser diodes are in the 3W range. Not too far off.

I want my laser projector! ;)


One other thing that is driving me insane right now... I have shit fucking everywhere in my apartment. Not garbage but stuff. Mostly all projects that need to be completed. I've got a car in the garage that is getting a new engine and getting sold. Tons of stuff that needs to get put on ebay. There is just sooooo much. i've definitely bit off more than I can chew right now. Everywhere that I look it's something... My digital camera needs a new photo flash cap. I want to build a funky TV for my bathroom based on a Sony Watchman side view CRT... so I've got 3 Watchmans collecting dust. I've got two massive CRT projects that I've needed to sell for a friend FOREVER. A new in box header for my project car that need to get sold. CRT's for my old CRT projector that need to get sold. And on and on and on and on....

My roomate hasn't told me to eat shit and die yet so that's good. He did say that I should make up a to do list. I did that once. I still have it....somewhere. I know what needs to get done. I JUST NEED TO DO IT! Also, actually writing up a to do list would probable take an entire legal pad. That'd probably get me even more depressed. BTW, I was really down the last couple of weeks... This car project has been driving me insane but I also met this redhead at the local Radio Shack. Not a knockout but cute. We instantly struck up a random conversation. Lots of smiles exchanged and a bit of electricity. What do I do? Make up every excuse that I can to go to that Radio Shack that I can. Everytime that she was there, big smile, happy to see me, starting talking about random stuff. I kept saying to myself,"ASK HER OUT YOU FUCKING MORON!!" But... I find out that she smokes. Fuck. I CAN'T STAND SMOKE. At all. I could never imagine kissing anyone that smokes. Even if it was frigging Jessica Beil. So I take off. I think about it, maybe she's kicking the habit...blah...blah...blah...whatever bullshit that you say to yourself to convince yourself that it's not as bad as you think. Anyway, I go back. I'm 98% sure she knows why I'm there. Within the first 30 seconds of taking to her something comes up about her keeping a roof over her kid's heads....


Smoking is one thing. An instant family is another. Both is a cluster fuck.

So yeah I was down for a while after hearing that. ...blah...

I've decided recently that I REALLY need to get off my ass and start working out. That way I'm not trolling the bottom of the barrel for whatever that I can find. I'm a procrastinator so I need a deadline to do something. If not, I put it off and work on something else. It's 14 weeks to my roomate's sister's wedding. I'd like to see if I can drop AT LEAST 15 lbs by then. I think that's a reasonable goal. My dad, the marathon runner, has said that you can comfortable drop 2lbs a week and keep it off. Any more than that and you're hurting yourself. Man if I could drop 25lbs by then, I'd be fucking floored. I'd actually weigh what it says on my drivers license for the first time in more than 10 years.

I don't even know what they will feel like. More energy? Better sleep? I might actually get some on a regular basis? That'd be a friggin miracle.

I've gotta stop eating fast food too. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I don't drink (alot). ;) But I do know that the drive through garbage that I eat on a daily basis is killing me. It's got to end.


Jeez haven't posted in forever... I guess that kind of the norm for me. I'm just not in front of my PC whenever I do feel like writing something. After work I just don't want to touch a PC.

BTW, life sucks when you have no money and no girl. There is currently no end in sight to the lack of cash flow either. I'm now making $20k less a year than I was two years ago. I can't buy shit. Can't go out. Can't buy music...WHICH IS KILLING ME!!! Can't mod my cars. I should say, I can't buy more parts to mod my cars. There's quite a few things that I've let pile up.

Completely different thought...

I was on a job site a few years ago and was trying to tune in a decent radio station. (I.E. not country.) Some random dude said, "Why don't you listen to talk radio?" I just laughed. Talk radio is for old people! ....flash forward to present day.... 98% of the time at work all that I listen to is talk radio. I am just amazed at all of the bullshit that is going on in your government. Both local and national. For instance, WI's governor wants to spend $800 million to build a train from Milwaukee to Madison. Nobody wants it, nobody will use it, it will need massive subsidies to keep running, etc. Meanwhile the roads/bridges are literally falling apart. They are putting EXTRA nets under one of our bridges because of all of the concrete that is falling off. HOW ABOUT WE NOT SPEND MONEY ON A USELESS TRAIN AND FIX OUR FUCKING ROADS THAT EVERYONE USES EVERY FUCKING DAY!?!?!?!?!?!?

But back to my switch... I think the reason why I needed music at work was for entertainment and enjoyment. My job was really fucking boring at times. I needed something to take my mind off of everything. An escape.

I think if I had listened to talk radio at my previous job, I would have killed someone. Or broke shit. The stuff that's going on is sooo fucking infuriating. Another example...

Did you know that written into the healthcare bill, there is a new law where if you buy more than $600 worth of precious metals that you have to report it to the govt with a 1099. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH HEALTHCARE?!?!? What else is in that 4,000 page monstrosity? Oh and the "financial reform" bill that was signed into law yesterday is 2,000+ pages long. WHAT THE FUCK IS IN THAT NIGHTMARE?!?! I can't wait until November.

BTW, I did complete a project that I've been screwing with forever. My entire CD collection has been re-ripped. Now I've got 120GB of lossless goodness on my iPod. It's pretty darn nice. Which brings me to another topic. Why is it that my 3 year old 160GB iPod classic the biggest iPod that CrApple makes? Even if I wanted to upgrade, I can't. There's nothing bigger. Hey Jobs, wake the fuck up! Music fans and audiophiles want a bigger player! My only resort is to sell my iPod and build another car computer. I'd probably make money in the process and have a 2TB hard drive in the process. LOL!